Sam’s European Adventure

I was trying to be so nonchalant about leaving Australia to live in Europe, but that lasted up until I had to say goodbye to Emma at the airport. I’m sure she was gratified that I did in fact miss her, as I’d probably given the impression that I’d miss the cats more than I’d miss her with all the cuddles they got before departure. To cheer me up Emma had taken photos of herself and the cats (including Zumba, who is technically the neighbour’s cat but has decided that he likes living at our place instead) on my laptop. I wonder how the cats will take to FaceTime?.

The flight wasn’t too bad all up. Nice to have a stopover at Dubai, but on reflection, I probably shouldn’t have asked for a bacon and egg mcmuffin at McDonalds. Coming into Geneva was pretty exciting as I had my first look at snow. It was everything I thought it would be – the Alps were beautiful and I can’t wait to get there. I’m just wondering if my long held wish to “see” snow before I die has now been granted by viewing from a plane window? I think I’ll edit that to mean ‘touch’ or possibly even ‘frolic’. The blue skies and crisp white snow at 37,000 feet were picture perfect, but as we approached Geneva we descended through a massive cloud bank into fairly miserable weather. It was about 10 degrees and grey, though at least it wasn’t raining. The important thing was that I made it! Of course that led to a minor freak out as the reality set in of what I was about to do, but hey, Chris is used to tears by now 🙂 He’d also brought chocolate with him, which was very perspicacious of him (he knows me too well).

Where we’re living for the next six weeks is not exactly a pretty location, but pretty central to everything – if I knew where ‘everything’ was that is. At the moment I might not be able to make it around the block and back, but once I start training for the Berlin half marathon, I intend to get to know this area very well. For my first night in Geneva we went out to a tapas bar in Old Town. I love Old Town! If we do stay here I want to live there (lots of bars and shops and beautiful old buildings). The waiter kissed me on the cheek when greeting us which somewhat startled me. As you all know I don’t even greet my family and friends this way (except on special occasions) so if I’m going to be accosted by the wait staff at every place we go, it could make for an interesting time… Maybe I’ll actually be kind of cosmopolitan on my return?

I’ve no idea what the next few weeks hold. For once in my life I haven’t planned it to the nth degree (although I am itching to make a list) and will just wait to see what unfolds. I have a vague notion that I probably shouldn’t eat too much chocolate and cheese or drink too much wine, but I think I’m in the wrong place for that resolution! Stay tuned to see how that works out for me…

2 thoughts on “Sam’s European Adventure

  1. Glad to hear that you have arrived safely.
    It sounds like Europe will be a “GROWING EXPERIENCE”
    Lots of love and good luck.
    Mum and Dad

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